Wednesday, March 16, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 18 (A Song You Wish You Heard on the Radio)

As for a song I wish I heard on the radio, that’s also sprung a lot of tunes into my mind, but I think there’s one that stands out over most, especially if it happens on a car radio. This is one of those songs that’s just perfect driving music: nothing too heavy going on, rolling on a cool rhythm, and packing what we in the business call a stone cold groove.

I can feel the sun blazing through the windshield, my arm hanging out the window, getting deliciously burned. White lines staccato under the wheels and I’ve got nowhere to go. The car is full of us, all on so many drugs with the radio on, and we don’t care where we’re going. I could stay on the road forever.

It’s in the summer when music really hits you, really lifts your soul out of winter and paints it across the canvas of the highway. Your neck moves in waves over your shoulders and the heat moves in waves over your face. Sit back and feel the future come.

It’s in the summer when everything looks like it’s going to be OK, and those old winter blues fade into sunshine grooves. Summer’s the time to move and to love and to swing in hope’s crazy dervish. Bring on the summer, because I want to dance.

But for now, as a coda to this, I’ll put up a second song today. It’s breaking the rules, I know, but I don’t care because there isn’t enough of this on the radio, or indeed anywhere. The world could use more Rory.

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